Some parents and players have expressed interest in a Bantam team in NCAFA in 2019 and we are very excited at the prospect. We have all the equipment and fields we would need. However, there is one small problem, Football Canada has a new rule in 2019 that teams must have a minimum of 30 players to proceed for the 2019 season. NCAFA has a deadline of July 15th to meet that minimum number. So, we will open registration, and allow the market to tell us if there is indeed a demand for a Vikings Bantam team in 2019.
There are rumours circulating that RSEQ football may be moving to 8 v 8 tackle or flag football in 2019. So, if you want to play 12 v 12 tackle football this year, spread the word. Tell your friends. Registration is open, and if we have the minimum 30 players required signed by the NCAFA July 15th deadline, there will be a team!
Fees for the season will be $350 ($200 for the Spring Camp and $150 in July).
Details of the spring camp will be communicated to the players as they register.
If you are born in 2004 and already registered for the Midget Camp, you do not need to re-register at this time. If you would like to play Bantam instead, please reply to this email to let me know.
The choice is up to all of you… 🙂